Lighting Photography

We used Key Lights, Fill Lights, Back Lights and reflectors to capture these images. 

The Key Light shines directly on the subject and used to illuminate. The Fill Light is placed opposite the Key Light and fills in the shaded areas to balance the key. The Fill Light is also not as bright. The Back Light shines on the subject from behind, outlining the subject and separating them from the background. A photography light Reflector bounces existing light and re-directs it back onto the subject. 
 Grace shot this photograph of Jack. Reian and I controlled the lighting. A main Key Light was used to capture the subject while leaving the background dark. This created a shadowy effect as the left side of Jack is left in the dark background. I think this image was successful as it creates an interesting effect. The limitation was as we also used a fill light it was hard for the camera to focus due to the brightness.
This image shot by Reian is of myself.  Grace and Jack controlled the lighting. This photo is a mid shot and successful as it is in focus. For this image, we also used a back light to separate the subject from the background. This also helped to capture strands of my hair. The fill light helped to fill in areas where there were shadows. I adjusted the saturation and brightness slightly when editing.


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